Morana Snow Moon

by Victoria Ashurst May 29, 2024

Morana Snow Moon

Morana Snow Moon was adored for her beauty and yet feared for the shadows that danced in her wake. Her breath a soft whisper that carried the chill of winter, her eyes a mirror like the icy depths of the frozen lakes. 

It was Morana who decided when winter's embrace would loosen. Her magic was not one of sorrow but of renewal. She did not bring the cold out of malice, but out of love for the cycles of nature, ensuring that the land rested, only to awaken more vibrant and full of life. 

With the casting of her spell, ice would melt from the weeping willows, snowdrops would pierce the melting snow. Animals, long hidden in the cozy dens, would stir, their eyes blinking in the newfound light.

As she returned back to the coldest darkest corners of the kingdom, she whispered, promising of her return, when the world once again would don its white, wintry cloak and fall into a deep slumber.

Victoria Ashurst
Victoria Ashurst


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